Thursday, December 30, 2010

The first time the neck and body have been united. All seems to line up OK at the moment. Still some shaping to do on the body.

Big day today. Time to rout out the body for pick-ups and neck. This is where it could all go wrong...

I decided to make my own pick-up rings for the humbuckers. I used some of the alder left from the body and will stain them to match the fingerboard.

Fretting and adding the markers. Fitting the frets was a time-consuming business but it gets easier the more you do.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

And when the Tele is finished, there is the loft-found Lenco GL75 to refurbish. Joy!

Always have another project ready to start - I present, Jim's Tele.

Top view of the neck. Frets need to be fitted next. I'll need a little practice first.

The neck is now shaped and ready to attach to the body, just some minor fettling to do - but the body still need some work.